Andrzej CHOROSINSKIHe grad­u­ated with hon­ours from the Acad­emy of Music in War­saw, organ class of Feliks Rącz­kow­ski, in 1972. In the period of He stud­ied com­po­si­tion 1969–1974 under Tade­usz Paciorkiewicz.

In 1972 he won a spe­cial prize at the organ impro­vi­sa­tion com­pe­ti­tion in Kiel.

He has played in nearly every coun­try in Europe and also in Israel, USA. Canada, South Korea and Japan. He has per­formed in such renowned places as the National Phil­har­monic in War­saw, Kon­certhaus in Stock­holm, P. Tchaikovsky Hall in Moscow, Notre Dame Cathe­dral in Paris, King’s Col­lege Chapel in Cam­bridge, Pope Paul VI Hall in Vat­i­can, St. Patrick’s Cathe­dral in New York, or Town Hall in Adelaide.

He has made many radio and tele­vi­sion record­ings in Poland and abroad. He has also recorded over 20 records (LPs and CDs) for such com­pa­nies as: Pol­skie Nagra­nia, Veri­ton, EMI-Electrola, Life Records, DUX, Musi­con, Dabrin­ghaus Grimm and Mega­vox. In 2003 the Audio-Video Pro­duc­ers’ Union awarded him with the “Dou­ble Plat­inum Record” title for a CD recorded in the Licheń Basilica.

In 1992 he became tit­u­lar Pro­fes­sor of Music Arts. He is pro­fes­sor of the organ class at the Fry­deryk Chopin Uni­ver­sity of Music in War­saw and the Karol Lip­iński Acad­emy of Music in Wrocław.

In the period of 1987–1993 he was Vice-Rector for Artis­tic Affairs, and in 1993–1999 he held the func­tion of Rec­tor of the Fry­deryk Chopin Acad­emy of Music in War­saw. Between 1993 and 2000 he was a mem­ber of the exec­u­tive com­mit­tee of AECAM, the Asso­ci­a­tion of Rec­tors of Euro­pean Music Acad­e­mies. He was also Chair­man of the Con­fer­ence of Rec­tors of Artis­tic Uni­ver­si­ties in Poland (KRUA).

He has received many medals and awards includ­ing the Dis­tin­guished Cul­tural Activist Award, the Golden Cross of Merit and the “Eccle­siae Pop­u­loque Servi­tium Praes­tanti” medal, and a medal “For Mer­its to Cul­ture” Glo­ria Artis.

In 2008 he was awarded with a title of an Hon­orary Doc­tor of Keimy­ung Uni­ver­sity in South Korea. He is an hon­orary cit­i­zen of the fol­low­ing cities: From­bork, Jele­nia Góra, Kłodzko and Pola­nica, the title was con­ferred to him for his achieve­ments in pro­mot­ing music culture.